Master Global Trends in Business
Each market in the global economy has unique characteristics that make their worlds spin. This concentration module will instill you with practical knowledge and give you the opportunity to earn real experience in global economics.
This course will expose students to major topics from the recent development of Behavioral Economics. The particular topics covered include: prospect theory, reference dependent preferences and loss aversion, hyperbolic discounting, projection bias, heuristics and biases, and financial market anomalies.
This survey course examines the nature of growth and causes of underdevelopment in newly industrializing and less developed economies, focusing on experiences in Asia and Pacific countries. It reviews economic theories of development and develops "stylized facts" regarding the development experience of global regions with a focus on the Asia-Pacific region. The determinants of poverty and inequality are covered. Policies for promoting growth, and alleviating poverty and inequality are examined. It is oriented toward teaching practical approaches applied in understanding country development. Students will complete a few of quantitative exercises (Excel based) to link theory to data to inform policy.Combining teaching of theory with empirical analysis methods, the course aims to inform current policy debates.
This course is an introduction to the field of health economics. In this course we will use methods from microeconomics to investigate how different aspects of the health care system function and to assess the implications for different policies designed to improve that functioning. We will study uninsurance across difference countries. We will use economic tools and techniques from the sub-fields of information economics, industrial organization, labor economics, public economics, behavioral economics, and decision theory to study topics such as measurement and determinants of health, health disparities, unhealthy behaviors and health insurance. The emphasis will be on how to master different economic techniques in the context of health care markets.
This is an introductory course in Industrial Organization. The course is designed for the first and the second year undergraduate students. The aim of the course is to introduce the fundamental concepts of industrial organization, such as market structures, business practices, information and advertising, dynamic models, market clearing, and government policies. I will follow the topics in the main textbook by Jean Tirole as closely as possible. Assessment will be based on three home assignments, a midterm exam and the final examination. The home assignments will be worth 30% of the final grade. The midterm exam and the final exam each will be worth 35% of the final grade.
This is an introductory course in the theory and practice of the econometric methods. The main components of the course deal with the economic applications of the linear multiple regression model, identification and structural estimation in simultaneous models, and analysis of economic behavior.
This course examines various issues on trade, trade policy and open monetary economies theoretically and empirically. Specific questions to be addressed include: What gains do the nations get from trading each other according to the comparative advantage? What are the characteristics of modern trade? What are the traditional and new theories of trade policy? What is the role of World Trade Organization? How are an economy's trade and financial transactions with the rest of the world recorded in balance-of-payments accounts? Under what mechanism is an open economy's national income determined together with its trade balance? Prior knowledge on the subject is not required.
This is an undergraduate course in International Finance that aims to introduce the fundamental concepts and practical applications of the discipline. This is an upper level course. The topics for class discussions will be from the principle textbook by Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld and Marc Melitz. ใ
This is an introductory course on game theory. Game Theory is a powerful tool to understand various strategic situations between people, companies, and nations. Game theory has become fundamental to modern economic theory, both micro and macroeconomics. Students will learn how to think strategically and use the basic methods of game theory, the payoff matrix and the game tree.
Finance is not about making money, though, in some sense, it is. In general, finance is applied in practice towards a better society. Accordingly, this course gives a sense of the financial theory which conveys what wonderful things can happen, and how people can let their creativity and goals become reality. Topics include risk, diversification, behavioral finance, innovation, debt, stocks, futures, options, asset pricing models and etc.
This course examines the determination of the macroeconomic variables such as national income, unemployment, inflation, investment and interest rates. After a brief introduction to macroeconomic data, the course is divided into three sections. The first studies the long-run behavior of aggregate measures of the economy. The second section focuses on the determinants of economic growth. In the third section, a model is developed to characterize short-run economic fluctuations. Throughout the course, we consider macroeconomic policies and particular economic issues of current interest.
This course is designed for Business and Economics students. Topics include the review of linear and non-linear functions and models (including cost, revenue, profit, demand and supply), solving linear and non-linear systems of equations, matrices, mathematics of finance (including simple and compound interest), as well as optimization of constraint and unconstrained functions.
To study the theoretical side of social science, knowledge and technique of mathematics are seriously needed. This course is devoted to understanding the basic mathematics necessary for the further studies in undergraduate and graduate school. The main aims are to learn the theoretical concepts of mathematics and at the same time to practice the application of studied concepts to some real world related tasks.ใ
This course introduces students to some of the fundamental ideas and tools of standard microeconomic theory and their applications to various business and policy issues. The topics include: demand and supply, consumer behavior, theory of the firm, markets and welfare, general equilibrium, strategic behavior, information economics, and market failures. Upon completion, students should be able to apply the concepts and models of microeconomics to real world problems.
This course provides basic economic concepts and theories. It discusses both decision making of individual agents' behavior (microeconomics) and aggregate level economic issues (macroeconomics). The first part of the course covers principles of economics, how to think as an economist, supply-demand-market mechanism, and elasticity. Then, the second part of the course discusses consumers' and producers' behaviors as well as externalities and public goods. The third part of the course covers various types of market. The last part of this course discusses macroeconomics issues including national income, production, growth, saving, investments and unemployment. Fundamentals of monetary system, aggregate demand and aggregate supply are also covered.
This course is a first course in applied statistics. It will familiarize you with the basics of statistical thinking, language, and techniques, thus providing you with the needed skills to address questions that have real life consequences and effects. By the end of the course, you will able to organize and summarize empirical data. This course will also teach you how to compute probabilities, making you skillful in the uses of theoretical probability distributions.
This course covers applied Statistics in Business and Economics highlighting the following topics: Simple Regression, Multiple Regression, and Time Series Analysis. The objective of this course is to prep students to deal with real data and real business applications through examples, case studies, and problems.