Student Life

Life at TIU is Easy

At TIU, students from over 75ย countries around the world learn together on the same campus. Surrounded by a richly diverse, unique educational environment, TIU students fill their campus lives with intercultural interaction.

Student Voice

TIU has everything you need to make your student life a breeze. From the state-of-the-art buildings and facilities, to the helpful student services and fun campus activities, it is easy to make friends from all over the world and find your place in the community.


In order to provide students with the best atmosphere for study, TIU has gone to extensive lengths to update its facilities with state-of-the-art equipment, classrooms, and other study areas. In addition, TIU is continually adding more options for dorm life.

Campus Activities

Whether you are a dedicated sports star, dabble in extra-curriculars, or simply want to try something new, there are endless ways to get involved with the community in and around TIU.

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