BE Full Course List
The Business Economics major is for students who want to work in the fields of international business or economic policy. In this major, students learn economics in a composite framework and explore ways of applying their knowledge in the business context.
This course will expose students to major topics from the recent development of Behavioral Economics. The particular topics covered include: prospect theory, reference dependent preferences and loss aversion, hyperbolic discounting, projection bias, heuristics and biases, and financial market anomalies.
This survey course examines the nature of growth and causes of underdevelopment in newly industrializing and less developed economies, focusing on experiences in Asia and Pacific countries. It reviews economic theories of development and develops "stylized facts" regarding the development experience of global regions with a focus on the Asia-Pacific region. The determinants of poverty and inequality are covered. Policies for promoting growth, and alleviating poverty and inequality are examined. It is oriented toward teaching practical approaches applied in understanding country development. Students will complete a few of quantitative exercises (Excel based) to link theory to data to inform policy.Combining teaching of theory with empirical analysis methods, the course aims to inform current policy debates.
This course is an introduction to the field of health economics. In this course we will use methods from microeconomics to investigate how different aspects of the health care system function and to assess the implications for different policies designed to improve that functioning. We will study uninsurance across difference countries. We will use economic tools and techniques from the sub-fields of information economics, industrial organization, labor economics, public economics, behavioral economics, and decision theory to study topics such as measurement and determinants of health, health disparities, unhealthy behaviors and health insurance. The emphasis will be on how to master different economic techniques in the context of health care markets.
This is an introductory course in Industrial Organization. The course is designed for the first and the second year undergraduate students. The aim of the course is to introduce the fundamental concepts of industrial organization, such as market structures, business practices, information and advertising, dynamic models, market clearing, and government policies. I will follow the topics in the main textbook by Jean Tirole as closely as possible. Assessment will be based on three home assignments, a midterm exam and the final examination. The home assignments will be worth 30% of the final grade. The midterm exam and the final exam each will be worth 35% of the final grade.
This is an introductory course in the theory and practice of the econometric methods. The main components of the course deal with the economic applications of the linear multiple regression model, identification and structural estimation in simultaneous models, and analysis of economic behavior.
This course examines various issues on trade, trade policy and open monetary economies theoretically and empirically. Specific questions to be addressed include: What gains do the nations get from trading each other according to the comparative advantage? What are the characteristics of modern trade? What are the traditional and new theories of trade policy? What is the role of World Trade Organization? How are an economy's trade and financial transactions with the rest of the world recorded in balance-of-payments accounts? Under what mechanism is an open economy's national income determined together with its trade balance? Prior knowledge on the subject is not required.
This is an undergraduate course in International Finance that aims to introduce the fundamental concepts and practical applications of the discipline. This is an upper level course. The topics for class discussions will be from the principle textbook by Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld and Marc Melitz. ใ
This is an introductory course on game theory. Game Theory is a powerful tool to understand various strategic situations between people, companies, and nations. Game theory has become fundamental to modern economic theory, both micro and macroeconomics. Students will learn how to think strategically and use the basic methods of game theory, the payoff matrix and the game tree.
Finance is not about making money, though, in some sense, it is. In general, finance is applied in practice towards a better society. Accordingly, this course gives a sense of the financial theory which conveys what wonderful things can happen, and how people can let their creativity and goals become reality. Topics include risk, diversification, behavioral finance, innovation, debt, stocks, futures, options, asset pricing models and etc.
This course is designed for Business and Economics students. Topics include the review of linear and non-linear functions and models (including cost, revenue, profit, demand and supply), solving linear and non-linear systems of equations, matrices, mathematics of finance (including simple and compound interest), as well as optimization of constraint and unconstrained functions.
To study the theoretical side of social science, knowledge and technique of mathematics are seriously needed. This course is devoted to understanding the basic mathematics necessary for the further studies in undergraduate and graduate school. The main aims are to learn the theoretical concepts of mathematics and at the same time to practice the application of studied concepts to some real world related tasks.ใ
This course provides basic economic concepts and theories. It discusses both decision making of individual agents' behavior (microeconomics) and aggregate level economic issues (macroeconomics). The first part of the course covers principles of economics, how to think as an economist, supply-demand-market mechanism, and elasticity. Then, the second part of the course discusses consumers' and producers' behaviors as well as externalities and public goods. The third part of the course covers various types of market. The last part of this course discusses macroeconomics issues including national income, production, growth, saving, investments and unemployment. Fundamentals of monetary system, aggregate demand and aggregate supply are also covered.
The combination of computers and communication, now commonly known as ICT or information and communication technologies made a rapid advance into business with the inventions related to Internet, smart phones, and business intelligence, dawning what is known as online business or digital business.
This course is an introduction to Digital Business. Starting from basics of information technology (IT) and communication, including Internet technologies, this course brings the students to understand businesses that had been created with the key components that were just mentioned. The course lays the foundation for students to "think digital" and "think strategically" on how to make businesses using "digital"
Globalization has brought radical changes in the industrial structure, business activities, the production system, and people's ideological orientation. These changes are so complex and intense that new adaptation in business activities requires not only to respond to external environments, but also to accommodate local movements in each country. Constant struggles are taking place to find better ways of coping with such changes, especially by developing governance structures which harmonize diverse actors in both global and national contexts. This course attempts to understand such changes, capturing the essence of global institutional transformation and its impact on business activities. The first half of the course focuses on learning diverse institutional perspectives, helpful to understand global institutional transformation. In the second half, as a way of getting involved in such transformation, students collectively develop projects in newly developing business fields, such as ventures firms, the base of the pyramid (BOP) and corporate social responsibility (CSR).
This is a tentative overview of the course and is subject to change because we will be going online. If revisions are made these will be available on the first day of class in a revised syllabus. This course will examine from the perspective of practicing managers and entrepreneurs the impact that technology and technological innovation has on the competitive context of organizations and how strategy must incorporate this impact. This course will provide an opportunity to explore the relationships between the management of a business and the management of technological innovation; of the scientific quest for knowledge and the technological use of knowledge; and of the firm as an instrument of technological change in the broader context of society. Further we examine the role of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship in fostering technological innovation and contrast and compare that role with established incumbent firms. ใ
This course is for those who had taken the Entrepreneurial Strategies course and intending to go the next step to develop the business model to a more or less real one. The course helps to refine the idea, find the market place, explore how to fundraising to launch the business. This course explains how you can run hypothesis testing to validate ideas and refine business strategy. You will learn how the entrepreneurs network with investors and how they make financial decisions to grow the business.
Social businesses are businesses that provide products and services with social, ethical, and/or environmental objectives. This course will examine the theory and practice of social businesses using Japanese businesses as case studies. Japanese consumers' responses to social businesses and their products/services will also be explored. Prior knowledge of the subject is not required.
This course reviews common funding options available to raising capital for business like crowdfunding, angel investments, incubators & accelerators, & venture capital. The course provides an overview of the industry as well as components required per funding option, & provides insights on indicators investors look for in startups. This course aims to provide fundamental skills & tools needed to understand, evaluate, & conduct effective pitches in order to receive financing for your business. Part of this course will be on practical skills, focusing on how an entrepreneur should go about soliciting funds, as well as different methods of pitching to potential investors, writing comprehensive business plans, & developing techniques & documentation to help secure funding for a new venture.
Students will be able to:
ใปProduce a competent start up plan
ใปDistinguish between the different funding options available and the advantages and disadvantages of each option
ใปIdentify the elements of a good pitch and replicate them
ใปDesign a plan to obtain funding from each funding option
ใปGenerate the required deliverables for each funding option
ใปCreate a pitch to appeal to potential investors
This course is a first course in applied statistics. It will familiarize you with the basics of statistical thinking, language, and techniques, thus providing you with the needed skills to address questions that have real life consequences and effects. By the end of the course, you will able to organize and summarize empirical data. This course will also teach you how to compute probabilities, making you skillful in the uses of theoretical probability distributions.
This course covers applied Statistics in Business and Economics highlighting the following topics: Simple Regression, Multiple Regression, and Time Series Analysis. The objective of this course is to prep students to deal with real data and real business applications through examples, case studies, and problems.
This course begins with the development of elementary functions, including their properties and applications. Then, we will cover finite mathematics, which includes mathematics of finance, linear algebra (matrices, linear systems, and linear programming), probability (starting with foundation for probability with a treatment of logic, sets, and counting techniques), application of linear algebra and probability.
Description coming soon.
Making a good business plan, as well as presenting it to audiences that could include supervisors in your organization or investors, are the keys to the successful implementation of a new project in a company, or to starting up your new business. In this module, students will: 1) learn the basics of business planning; 2) look at several examples of business planning; 3) learn and practice ways of making a business plan; and 4) practice presenting those business plans to audiences. The classes will mainly consist of lectures, but students will have various opportunities to think, write and discuss their own business plans in the second half of the classes.
This course provides students the fundamentals principles of corporate finance. Students will learn major financial issues commonly faced by corporate decision-makers. The first part of the course will discuss the financial statements fundamentals, time value of money, valuation and capital budgeting decision. The second part of the course will cover the capital market, risk and return analysis, theories of capital structure and dividend policy as well as the short term financial management implementation.
The course adopts the perspective of the managers within the corporation, business, division, plant, or other operating unit who must mesh their individual actions and responsibilities with the overall objectives of the firm. We will focus on the perspectives and skills required to diagnose and develop realistic solutions for critical problems in complex business situations. The course deals with issues of both managerial effectiveness and business efficiency, with, as Peter Drucker puts it, 'doing the right things' as well as 'doing things right'.ใ
In this course we examine what leadership means in an organizational context. We will explore the role of leaders, leadership and creativity in determining why some organizations die while others survive. Through lectures, cases, readings, and in-class simulations, students will examine the connections among leaders, leadership, creativity and organizational renewal. We will examine what it means to be an effective leader and explore the traits, behaviors and situational factors that must be considered in becoming an effective leader. Students will be expected to examine some basic concepts of leadership/organizational renewal and gain insights into these concepts in order to explore at a more advanced level and refine their understanding of these concepts and develop knowledge into how they can use them to build more successful careers and contribute more to their organizations and society.ใ
This course is designed for those interested in starting up a business and anticipating a career in organizations and government offices supporting start ups, or in business innovation and development departments. The course covers an array of various topics, including; (1) Ideation, (2) Analysis, (3) Presenting Business Model, (4) Proof of concept, (5) Entrepreneurship Finance.
The human resource function of modern organizations is critical, as people are our most important resource. This course is a survey of theory and practices, and current issues facing organizations as related to attracting, selecting, and maintaining a productive workforce in today's competitive operating environment. Students will examine the changing roles and responsibilities of human resources managers, the responsibilities of organizational leadership for incorporating human resource issues in strategic planning and initiatives with emphasis on current legal considerations.
Globalization, promoting the integration of national markets and enhancing interdependence among nations, has brought radical changes in economic and business activities. Now, managing a business, whether domestic or international, in such a milieu requires a good understanding of not only management from an international perspective, but also the condition of international economy. This course combines materials from both management and international economy, and tries to stimulate thinking from the perspective of a manager in international business. The main objective is to provide understanding over a wide range of management and business-related issues considered important in doing business under globalization.
Operations and Service Management covers two of the most important areas of businesses. Operations usually means using the resources of an organization to deliver its services in the most efficient way. Operations could basically be in any type of business or organization private or public. With the advancement of information technologies, the management of operations and services has become heavily data driven. The course introduces students to decision making tools and methods used by business in practice. Most of the classes are conducted in TIU's computer labs. Students will get hands on experience of the use of data science in operations and service management.
This course covers the foundation for the study and application of organizational behavior. The perspective, historical background, methodology and theoretical framework for human behavior in organizations are studied. Attention is given to the micro perspective (perception, personality and attitudes, motivation, and learning), the dynamics (group dynamics, conflict, stress, power and politics, and leadership), and organizational culture. Applications for performance improvement, organizational change, and development are stressed.
This course is an intermediate level course that builds on students' marketing knowledge learned in "Principles of Marketing." Students will apply their understanding of these basic principles of marketing to examine consumers, consumer culture, and consumer behavior from a global perspective. Students will learn how consumers behave in the globalized marketplace. International and Japanese case studies will be used as the basis for in-class discussions and analysis. "Principles to Marketing" is required as a prerequisite for this course. "Marketing Strategy" is also recommended as a prerequisite.
The modern marketer needs to learn how to employ strategic thinking alongside the use of digital media to deliver measurable and accountable business success. Digital Marketing Strategy covers the essential elements for achieving exactly this by guiding you through steps to create your perfect digital marketing strategy. This course analyses the essential techniques and platforms of digital marketing, which includes social media, content marketing, Search Engine Optimization, user experience, display advertising, as well as the broader aspects of implementation such as planning, integration with overall company aims, and presenting to decision makers. The course is composed of five main parts as mentioned in the course outline.
This course uses various decision-making frameworks in marketing (11 models). Emphasis is placed on understanding quantitative methods employed by different disciplines in marketing and digital marketing. The course covers five main modules: 1) summarizing marketing data, 2) pricing, 3) Predicting new products sales, 4) advertising models, and 5) Internet and social media models.
This course provides the accounting fundamentals governing preparation of financial statements. It discusses the accrual accounting concepts, transactions analysis and the recording process. The first part of specific topics includes cash, receivables, inventories and long-term assets. The second part covers liabilities and equities. The statement of cash flow and financial statement analysis topics are also covered in the third part. Overall, the whole accounting cycle is discussed so that students will acquire knowledge of the preparation, proper reporting and analysis of financial statements.
The Global Marketing course focuses on opportunities and challenges created by globalization. It examines cross-cultural and management issues in an international marketplace. The aim of this course is to enable students to better analyze and understand the opportunities and challenges that companies face when expanding their activities internationally and when dealing within international competitors in their home markets. We draw from current business periodicals to raise our awareness of what is happening in the marketing environment and how trends affect industries, markets, and the effectiveness of strategies that marketers employ. Special attention is placed upon different tools and analytic competences to marketing managerial roles when competing internationally.
This course provides an introduction to the principles of marketing. Throughout this course we will examine the basic principles of marketing, including: segmentation, targeting, positioning, and the marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion)--the STPMM. Students will learn how these various concepts work together to create an offering that will be successful in the marketplace. International and Japanese case studies (such as award-winning commercials that highlight a specific concept) will be used as the basis for in-class discussions and analysis. Prior knowledge of the subject is not required to take this course.
This course will provide an introduction to market research as a business decision-making tool. The primary goal of this course is to equip students with an understanding of how market research can help them make business decisions and how they can transform research findings into actionable business insights. The course also aims to help students gain the ability to evaluate and interpret research designed and conducted by outside providers. During the course, we will discuss a wide range of research methods and their application to the services and non-profit sectors. Students will have the opportunity to define a business problem, develop a research plan, collect and analyze data and present findings and their implications as a class project.
This is an intermediate level course that builds on students' marketing knowledge. Students will apply their understanding of basic principles to current issues in marketing including: online marketing, global marketing, and social marketing. International and Japanese case studies will be used as the basis for in-class discussions. "Introduction to Marketing" is required as a prerequisite.
This course provides you with the fundamental knowledge about web and mobile technologies. Technology is integrated in all parts of our lives, with the web and mobile giving us increased interconnectivity with others. These tools are integral and skills that allow us to understand and to use these tools become increasingly important in the current digital economy. This course will aim to give students a first look into the coding behind web and mobile technologies and how these codes are constructed. Different functionalities are explored and students should be able to create a basic web page and mobile app at the end of the course.ใ
The course will instead provide an overview of what big data is, the underlying principals of a distributed system and how this forms a database, data pipelines and practices used in businesses, software systems that can be used to handle big data and models that can be used to represent database systems. ใ
This course will provide frameworks to understand the new digital marketing landscape and mechanisms on how firms can effectively implement their digital marketing strategies. It will provide an introduction to digital marketing, social media and business and explore how social media has disrupted traditional marketing strategies. The course will proceed to go in-depth into social media, the different forms it can take, how content can go viral and how businesses can go about using social media to market their business. We will explore how user-generated content is linked to social media and what can encourage users to create user-generated content and several tools that can quantify return on investments (ROI) on social media platforms.ใ
This course provides students the fundamentals of investment analysis and management. Students will learn how to analyze and manage investments. The first part of the course will discuss various financial assets, asset pricing models, efficient market and technical analysis. The second part of the course will cover bond and equity valuations, fundamental analysis, financial statement analysis, and the financial derivatives. The third part of the course will discuss portfolio performance analysis and investments policy.
This course examines the determination of the macroeconomic variables such as national income, unemployment, inflation, investment and interest rates. After a brief introduction to macroeconomic data, the course is divided into three sections. The first studies the long-run behavior of aggregate measures of the economy. The second section focuses on the determinants of economic growth. In the third section, a model is developed to characterize short-run economic fluctuations. Throughout the course, we consider macroeconomic policies and particular economic issues of current interest.
For many organizations, a proper cost management depends on the accurate of cost information. Therefore, a well-designed cost accounting system can avoid costly mistakes in the decision-making process. This course provides students the principles of managerial accounting. The first part of the course will discuss the fundamentals of management accounting, job order costing, process costing, activity based costing and cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis. The second part of the course will cover the incremental analysis, pricing decisions, budget analysis, standard costing, balanced scorecard and capital investments.ใ
This course introduces students to some of the fundamental ideas and tools of standard microeconomic theory and their applications to various business and policy issues. The topics include: demand and supply, consumer behavior, theory of the firm, markets and welfare, general equilibrium, strategic behavior, information economics, and market failures. Upon completion, students should be able to apply the concepts and models of microeconomics to real world problems.
Effective organizational management is essential in order to establish, operate and lead business activities. But what is 'management', and how can we 'manage' organizations? This course is designed as an introduction to the principles and processes of management, including definitions and functions of management, management theories, planning, organizing, leading and controlling organizations. People and team management, and strategic management are also major components of this course. In this course, students are expected to acquire useful business skills, and actively participate in the class discussions.
The objective of this course is to provide students with fundamental concepts and frameworks of business management. Students are also expected to gain various study/management skills such as good analytical skills and effective communication skills.