Aki Kubo
Japanese Language Institute
Assistant Professor
Email: Akubo@tiu.ac.jp
Last updated: December 1, 2022 2:53 pm
⬛ Education
2019 Ph.D. - Education, Hiroshima University |
2013 M.A. - Education, Hiroshima University |
2010 B.A. - Education, Hiroshima University |
⬛ Teaching and Research Interests
Japanese linguistics and pedagogy, second language acquisition, sociolinguistics
⬛ Academic Appointments
2019 - Assistant Professor, Tokyo International University |
⬛ Fellowships & Grants
2019-2020 Grant-in-Aid for Research activity Start-up KAKEN |
⬛ Selected Publications/Conference Papers
Suggestion-response Sequences in Problem-solving Discourse of Japanese Language Learners: A Focus on Different Proficiency Levels, Journal of International Student Education, vol. 22, Japan Association for International Student Education, pp. 31-39 (2017). |
Conjunctive Expressions among Japanese Learners at Different Proficiency Levels in Problem-Solving Discourse: Negative Responses and the Consensus-Building Phase, Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University, Part. II (Arts and Science Education) vol. 65, pp. 193-202 (2016). |
Measures of Task Effects: Comparison among Negotiation of Meaning, Corrective Feedback, and Language-Related Episode, Bulletin of the Department of Teaching Japanese as a Second Language, Hiroshima University (Hiroshima Daigaku Nihongo Kyoiku Kenkyu), No. 25, pp. 29-36 (2015). |
Teacher's Laugh in Classroom: In the Case of the Novice Japanese Class, Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University, Part. II (Arts and Science Education) vol. 65, pp. 253-260 (2013). |