

The TIU MUN Experience: Meet the team!

Interested in the TIU Model United Nations (MUN) team? Join us for this interactive session to learn what it takes to participate in MUN as a TIU E-Track student! WHEN: Oct 16 (Sat), 3:00 PM Japan TimeREGISTER: โ€ป Membership in the TIU MUN team is limited to bachelor’s degree seeking students. For information on our master’s or Ph.D. programs, visit our website or email us. ABOUT THE TEAM:TIU’s Model United Nations varsity club was founded in 2016 by a passionate group of international students. Taking the Japan MUN scene by storm, they continue to perform…

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TIU Global Dialogue 13: Tibet Question in China-Ascendant Geopolitics?

While China-ascendant geopolitics becomes an increasing reality, and the focus in Asia and beyond is on how other states can cooperate, compete, adjust or contain China, what is often missed is the weaponization of emotions, sensitivity, and “hurt” by the Chinese state. Any criticism of China on Uyghurs, Hong Kong, or Tibet leads to a reaction along the lines of “this is our internal affairs”, or “this hurts our national sentiments.” In this book talk, Prof. Dibyesh Anand will discuss how “hurt”, “national humiliation,” and “national sensitivity” are politically constructed foreign policy tools for China,…

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Mock Class with Prof. Nora Sharkasi, Digital Business & Innovation

“Introduction to A.I. and Data Analytics”Dr. Nora Sharkasi, Associate Professor โ€ป This event will focus on E-Track Bachelor’s Degree programs only. For information on Master’s or Ph.D. programs, click here or contact <>. The Bachelor of Science in Digital Business & Innovation (DBI) is a unique major in which students learn how to innovate products, services and business models using new digital technology. Join this event for a sample DBI class experience, and learn how TIU is helping students prepare for success! For more information on the DBI major: < General information about the TIU E-Track Program >Located…

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Global Dialogue 12: Defense Planning and Readiness of North Korea – Armed to Rule

Hinata-Yamaguchi analyzes North Korea’s defense planning by looking at how political, economic, and societal factors affect the Korean People’s Army’s (KPA) readiness and strategies. He answers four key questions: How have the internal and external factors shaped North Korea’s security strategy? How do the political, economic, societal, and environmental factors impact North Korea’s defense planning? What are North Korea’s defense planning dilemmas and how do they impact the KPA’s readiness? What are the key implications for regional security and the strategies against North Korea? This analysis, drawing on various Korean, English, Japanese, and Chinese sources…

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International Relations at TIU with Prof. Lamont and current TIU students

Learn about TIU E-Track’s Bachelor of Arts in International Relations during this discussion with Prof. Christopher Lamont and members of TIU’s International Relations Student Association (IRSA). โ€ป This event will focus on E-Track Bachelor’s Degree programs only. For information on Master’s or Ph.D. programs, click here or contact <>. < About Professor Christopher Lamont >Dr. Christopher Lamont is Assistant Dean of TIU E-Track and Associate Professor of International Relations. He holds a PhD in Politics from the University of Glasgow and MSc in International and European Politics from the University of Edinburgh. For more information on Prof. Lamont,…

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TIU Global Dialogue 11: Geopolitics and Global Wildlife Trafficking in the 21st Century

Global wildlife trafficking is a vast illicit industry worth an estimated $57-180 billion per year worldwide, with the true total cost to the global economy of transnational wildlife crime at $1-2 Trillion annually (World Bank). In addition, global wildlife trafficking is a major driver of pandemics, and closely intertwined with transnational organized crime, corruption, and authoritarian regimes. This talk will explore the geopolitical dimensions of the issue, in particular the role of China, Africa-Asia relations, and the ways in which Transnational Organized Criminal networks influence – and even at times a tool of – international…

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TIU: Earn your Degree in English from the Heart of Japan

Located in the heart of Japan, Tokyo International University is a leading global university that provides English-medium degree programs in business and international relations. With world-renowned faculty and students from 68 countries, TIU offers a truly international learning environment. In the E-Track Program, students can earn a 4-year, fully accredited bachelor’s degree in Business Economics (B.A.), Digital Business & Innovation (B.S.), or International Relations (B.A.) in English. No prior Japanese language experience is required; students can take TIU Japanese courses from beginner to advanced. โ€ป Scholarships that reduce the tuition fee by up to 100%…

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TIU Global Dialogue 10: Economic Fallout of the Covid Crisis

The COVID 19 pandemic has taken a devastating toll on lives and livelihoods everywhere. Emerging economies have been particularly hard hit because of their low-income levels, high population densities, weak medical infrastructure, and limited policy space. Many emerging economies entered the covid crisis with weak economic fundamentals; the crisis has made them weaker. Their governments are struggling to find the resources for expanding their health care facilities, rolling out vaccines, and providing a safety net to the most vulnerable of their populations. The seminar by Dr. Subbarao will focus on some of the big policy…

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E-Track Alumni Association: Why Study at TIU?

In this panel discussion, E-Track Alumni Association members discuss their chosen career paths and how TIU helped prepare them for success. Join this event and learn how you too can gain the skills you need to launch your global career! WHEN:Nov 7 (Sun), 5:00 PM Japan Time โ€ป This event will focus on E-Track Bachelor’s Degree programs only. For information on Master’s or Ph.D. programs, contact <>. <General information about the TIU E-Track Program> Located in the heart of Japan, Tokyo International University is a leading global university that provides degree programs taught in English….

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